Leadership coaching – when do you need it and when does it get in the way
Getting a coach is becoming a big thing. Leadership coaching, as a service, has been around for a while now. Early on there were predictions that it was just a fad that would fade away. Certainly, the expertise, qualifications and accountability of leadership coaches has been enhanced. Far from a passing fad, leadership coaching is
- Published in Being, Coaching, Development, Empathy, Feedback, Growth, Leader, Leadership, Uncategorized
In the deep end – getting to grips with a bigger leadership job at high speed
We used to talk about the speed of change, but the last two years have been off the charts for many industries and organisations. The impact of the pandemic led to urgent setting up of whole new work systems and even whole new organisations in areas like health and mass reductions in other sectors like
- Published in Ambiguity, Being, Complexity, Development, Executive, Growth, Influence, Influencing upwards, Interpretation, Leader, Leadership, Performance, Resilience, Self-awareness, Self-management, Uncategorized
Give yourself a promotion
Frieda was a brilliant engineer. So brilliant that she was chosen to be the team leader of a team of specialist engineers. Frieda was pretty good at that too, so she got promoted to the Operations Manager job with six reporting senior engineers and a total team of sixty engineers and technicians.Frieda still saw herself
- Published in Being, Executive, Growth, Influence, Leader, Leadership, Self-awareness, Self-management, Uncategorized, Way of being
Presenting to senior leaders: understanding your way of being can help
One of the most common concerns that comes up in my coaching work with new and emerging leaders of leaders is the fear and sometimes the terror of presenting to a group of senior executives. Leader of leader roles quite often sit just below the executive team. So, as you move into these roles, you
- Published in Being, Development, Executive, Influence, Influencing upwards, Leader, Senior people