Influence to integrate: moving into a leader of leaders’ role
When you move into your first role where you are the leader of other leaders, at first your focus is on the leaders and the teams that directly report to you. There is a lot to get your head around. One of the dimensions of the leader of leader role that’s easy to neglect is
- Published in Engagement, Executive, Growth, Influence, Influencing upwards, Leader, Leader of leaders, Uncategorized
No one thinks they are a micro-manager: but are you?
It’s a common misconception that micromanaging is just being a mean boss. You can easily assume, ‘I’m a nice person, so I can’t be a micromanager.’ It’s not always easy to see that you are micromanaging. That won’t stop this micromanaging habit from having a huge impact on your ability to lead other leaders. Some
- Published in Engagement, Growth, Influence, Leader, Leadership, Results, Self-management, Team, Uncategorized
Growing your leaders’ sandpits: the phases of delegation
“It’s quicker if I just do it myself!” Every leader has said this at some time. When you are leading a team of technical professionals and you have been one yourself, it may be true. Once you are a leader of leaders, your default setting has to be that you never ‘just do it yourself’.
- Published in Development, Engagement, Growth, Leader, Leadership, Performance, Results, Team, Uncategorized
Let your leaders out to play
Your leaders must have space to play to be able to lead. We can call this space a sandbox. A sandbox is a space where people can work without being monitored or given specific directions on what they should be doing. It’s all about the freedom and support you give them so that they can
- Published in Development, Engagement, Executive, Growth, Leader, Leadership, Performance, Results, Team, Trust, Uncategorized